Nancy + Louise’s Santa Claus Table Runners

Excited to share these darling Santa Claus Table Runners that Louise and Nancy made! Aren’t they super cute?!?!

Louise lives near me and travels to visit Nancy, and they get to sew together. This is one of the projects they sewed together recently. It’s so fun that they get to sew together!!

The darling pattern is called Santa Claus Table Runner by Laundry Basket Quilts. You can find it here:

I used my favorite Natural White Omni thread from Superior Threads. Go to: and don’t forget to use my 15% off code at checkout. “ASTLEISHA”

I used 8020 cotton poly blend batting scraps from Winline Textiles. My favorite 8020 batting.

Thanks for stopping by!! If you’re interested in having me quilt for you, check out my Calendar and schedule a day or two. Click here:

Happy quilting! Leisha 💕


Louise’s Jelly Roll Hearts Table Runner


• March Panto Designs •