Laurie’s Temple Quilt
This beautiful Salt Lake City Temple quilt is one that Laurie made.
This is a panel by Amanda Herring from Riley Blake. I search and found a few shops on Etsy that have them. This shop has 9 at the moment.
Laurie said there are other temple panels, but I’m not sure which ones are available.
Laurie added a “piano key” border with a variety of fabrics that coordinate really well.
I suggested Patricia Ritter’s and my Bubble Wrap Double Take panto, and she said yes! I’m so glad, it turned out beautifully. Bubble Wrap Double Take is available at Urban Elementz, go to:
We initially had another design called bubble wrap that had a line in it, that just wasn’t my favorite so then we released this design and got rid of the other one.
I used the cream Omni thread from Superior Threads, that is such a beautiful, soft yellowy cream. Click here: and use my code “ASTLEISHA” to get 15% off your order.
I also used 8020 cotton poly blend batting from Winline Textiles.
Thanks for stopping by!! If you’re interested in having me quilt for you, check out my calendar and schedule a day or two. Go to:
Thank you!! Happy quilting, Leisha