Terri’s Flower Farm Quilt

Hello there,

I have a sweet quilt to share with you today!!

Terri made this lovely Flower Farm quilt by Anne from Bunny Hill Designs. I think these are Anne’s fabrics as well, if I’m not mistaken.

My goal was to create lots of texture and make each block stand out on its own. If your a longarm quilter and would like to learn some freehand or freemotion quilting designs, like I’ve quilted here, let me teach you. I have a 10 video freemotion quilting course called Quilting It Freemotion. I start off with Stippling and work my way thru a variety of different designs. You can pick and choose which design you’d like to learn, or grab the whole bundle. It could be just the thing you’ve been waiting for!!

I used my favorite Natural White Omni thread from Superior Threads and 8020 cotton poly blend batting from Winline Textiles.

I quilted pebbles, crackle, grass, arcs, ribbon candy, my overlapping circles, stippling, loops, swirls, feathers and more. I quilted them in multiple blocks throughout the quilt which creates cohesion and movement.

I love the sweet touches that custom quilting can add to such a beautiful quilt.

I wish you could all see it in person. The pictures never do it justice.

Thanks for being here!! If you’re interested in having me quilt for you, check out my edge to edge quilting calendar.

Have a happy day and I hope you get time to sew. • leisha


Kristin’s Color My World quilt


Morgan’s Yankee Doodle Dandy Quilt